Tuesday, April 23, 2013


Hi everyone.

It's sure has been a while.

I got distracted for a couple years there.* And there was that advocacy fatigue I mentioned a couple posts ago.

But recently, two people told me that they found themselves here, and that it was really helpful in their thinking about the issue. That was really gratifying, and certainly you who have commented should feel good too. There have also been a decent number of hits lately, much to my surprise. So hey, let's do this thing.

Do you have a story you'd like to share? A resource that has been helpful? A book review? I'd love to take submissions. Email me, and I'll post things!

*I got my master's degree to become a physician assistant, and now I am one! For any who don't know, "physician assistant" is a misnomer; PAs are licensed to practice medicine under the indirect supervision of one or more physicians. Except for the way I introduce myself, a visit with me is indistinguishable from a visit with a doctor. ( end unrelated advocacy.) _______________________________________________________________________________

1 comment:

  1. Yay! You're back! I actually came here because I was thinking of starting back up the ole Blogger again. :) Let's do it! :)
